Dear Neighbors,

ONBOARDING: If you are a new resident, please follow these steps outlined HERE. For the downloadable TEKWave Gate Access Decal Request Form CLICK HERE or pick one up at The Charles Town Pool.

ISSUES: If you are having Tekwave/Securitas issues please keep using this form below.  It’s being addressed by priority.

GUESTS/VISITORS: Your guests/visitors should be setup in the following priority (Click here for the instructions.):

  1. Send them an EPASS –   Fastest way for entry.  This will dramatically cut down on gate wait times.   Lawncare, Pool care, Home care, etc will benefit from this.
  2. Directory –   Your guests/visitors can use the directory to call you. 
  3. Remote Guard –   Slowest way for entry.  This should be used with your UNEXPECTED visitors.

TEMPORARY Visitors – Tell them to look you up in kiosk Directory. The Directory will call you – THEN YOU PRESS 9 on your phone and THE GATES OPEN!
PERMANENT Visitors – send them a pass (QR code) they can use it permanently – tell them to save it to their phone. OR have them use the Directory described above.

PHONE APP: To view a presentation about Tekwave phone app CLICK HERE.

Bill Poole
University Place CDD
Mobile:  941.483.0812